Thank you for your interest in registering with the Ajax Pickering Minor Hockey Association (APMHA). We are proud to offer programs and opportunities for all players to participate in various levels of hockey.
Hockey School - Begins Fall 2024
This program is for players between the ages of 4-8 years old.
This fee includes a Hockey School jersey and socks.
Sessions on Saturday (Pickering) OR Sunday (Ajax)
*Preference choice available during registration. Program preferences are not guaranteed.*
**Up to & including June 30th** |
**July 1st - July 31st** |
**August 1st & onward** |
U7-U15 House League - Begins Fall 2024
This fee includes a House League jersey & socks.
Saturday Practices & Sunday Games
Location: Don Beer & Ajax Community Centre
$650 |
$700 |
$750 |
U9-U18 Representative (AAA/AA/A/C/BB/MD)Registration fee only.
Representative players will also incur additional fees to be paid directly to their respective teams. |
$650 |
$700 |
$750 |
**Up to & including August 31**
**September 1st & onward** |
U18/U21 House League - Begins Fall 2024
U18/U21 is a combined division House League program and will run *games only* (no practices) on Monday evenings. This fee includes a House League jersey and socks. |
$475 |
$525 |
Player Hockey Canada Profiles (HCR)
If your player is brand new to hockey and does not have an existing Hockey Canada profile, please click here.
Returning players must register online through the Hockey Canada Registration System (HCR 3.0). Returning players can click on the link at the bottom of this page to access the APMHA registration page.
If you have moved into the Ajax/Pickering area and have played hockey with another organization, please click here to contact our administrative staff.
IMPORTANT: As per Hockey Canada and OMHA regulations, all player profiles must have a Proof of Residency document and Proof of Age document uploaded to their profile. If you are a current member and your address has not changed, DO NOT indicate an address change is necessary in HCR.
Profile requirements must be met by November 1st, 2024 or players may be suspended from on ice activity.
Registration Information
Registration must be completed using the APMHA/HCR online registration portal.
Registration is not complete until all current/outstanding fees have been paid.
No player may participate in any team activity until they are registered with the Ajax Pickering Hockey Association.
Players will NOT be assigned to a team until registration fees are paid in full and profile requirements have been met.
If you are registering for a division that is full, you will need to email the APMHA office to be added to a waitlist. You will be assigned to a team on a first-come, first-serve basis based on availability.
OMHA Respect In Sport Online Course (Mandatory)
At least one parent from each family must complete the Parent Respect in Sport online course.
Any player whose parent has not completed the course will not be assigned to a team.
Parents of new participants must complete this course in order for their player to be eligible to participate with the APMHA; office staff will contact new participants with instructions. If your player is new to hockey, please follow the instructions at the top of this page.
Registration Payments
Registration fees can be made online through the Hockey Canada Registration system using credit card only.
Early bird price deadlines will not be extended. Members who register but do not complete payment by the deadline dates are subject to the registration price at the time of payment.
The APMHA will accept E-Transfers as an approved form of payment for the 2024-2025 season. E-transfers can be sent to [email protected]. E-Transfers must include the player full name, year of birth and division - limited information may result in your payment not being applied. Payment instructions will be provided during the HCR registration process.
Required Equipment
Click Here for a list of mandatory equipment
"Play With" Requests
"Play With" requests are NOT being accepted for the 2024-2025 season. Emails regarding play with requests may not receive a response.
House League Evaluations & Team Composition
House League Evaluations will take place in the fall.
It is extremely important for House League participants to attend the evaluation skates; Evaluations give the association the best opportunity to create fair and balanced teams. More information regarding 2024-2025 House League evaluations will be posted on our website closer to the beginning of the season.
After Evaluations, players will be placed on teams and will receive a communication from their House League coach.
Team composition is final and balancing will not take place for the 2024-2025 season. It is imperative that participants attend the Evaluation Skates in order to create teams that are as balanced as possible. When possible, the APMHA House League playoffs will be structured to address any division discrepancies.
The APMHA reserves the right to adjust team composition at any time during the season. By registering with the APMHA, members agree to the above.
Association Newsletter
The APMHA sends out a monthly newsletter that contains important information about the association, upcoming events, important links and sponsor deals. If you are not already receiving these emails and wish to add your email to our mailing list, please click here.
Refund Policy
Click here to view the APMHA refund policy: Refund Policy (Ajax Pickering Minor Hockey)