APR Store (Ajax Pickering Minor Hockey)

PrintAPR Store


The AP RAIDERS Teamworks online store is open to all members. Orders must be placed through the Teamworks website (order deadlines and estimated delivery dates listed below and on the Teamworks website).

Log In Instructions
Use the link above to be directed to the TeamWorks website (www.TheTeamworks.com). You MUST register under your Team Store name - New users must select the correct team store when registering or the AP Raiders Team Store will not show up on your account; new users can follow the 'create an account' instructions on the TeamWorks website. Existing users can log in to their account (it should already be linked to the AP Raiders store). Existing users can ask for a password reset if needed. 

August/Fall Orders

All House League orders will be collected by the APMHA. Members will be contacted when their items are available for pick up. 

Representative Fitting Booking Procedure
Team Reps will be emailed booking information via APR administration (please make sure spam folders are checked). Coaches will be emailed at the start of their tryout week. Once bookings are confirmed, Team Reps must be present at the scheduled fittings.