The Ajax Pickering Raiders are always looking for Coaches and Trainers to add to our Association. Bench Staff volunteers allow us to run a successful hockey program that encourages the growth and development of our players. If you are an experienced coach or someone who is looking to start coaching youth hockey, please contact the APMHA for more information.
Representative Coaches
Representative Coaches (AAA/A/BB/MD) for the 2023-2024 season have already been selected. Click here to view the list coaches for the upcoming season.
House League Coaches
House League coaching applications for the 2023-2024 season are currently being accepted. To apply for a House League coaching position for the upcoming season, please click here. All House League teams must have a minimum of two rostered bench staff members; teams must have a certified Head Coach and Registered Trainer (HTCP). All bench staff must be approved by the APMHA.
All APMHA rostered team officials must hold the required OMHA certifications.
Gender Identity and Expression
The OHF requires all team officials to complete Gender Identity and Expression. There is no cost associated with this course.
Two required steps:
- If needed, register for an Hockey Canada account - see link above
- Once your account has been established, visit the HCR website to find your clinic and register for the course. All the course modules can be completed online.
Respect in Sport: Activity Leader Course
Criminal Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
- Contact DRPS, require two pieces of government issued ID (one with photo), you can now apply online on the DRPS website
- The cost is partially subsidized with a letter from APMHA, please contact APMHA admin staff to obtain a copy of this letter
- If required, coaches are asked to bring the original to the APMHA office for verification
- As a reminder, VSC’s are valid for a period of 2 years, and are only valid for ages 18 and up