The APMHA Board of Directors is proud to support Hockey Canada, the OMHA and Respect in Sport in implementing and providing access to the Parent Respect in Sport online training program. This course currently does not have an expiry date and only needs to be taken once. The APMHA is committed to ensuring a safe and positive environment for our members.
The Respect in Sport for Parents Online Course must be completed by at least one parent and show as completed on your players HCR profile. Players without a completed certification linked to their player profile will not be placed on a team.

Respect In Sport – Parent Program Access Instructions
Respect In Sport Online Course - Click Here
(i) Members must choose "AJAX-PICKERING" zone - selecting another organization may result in difficulty finding your players existing Hockey Canada profile number.
(ii) If your player already has an HCR #, please make sure your correctly link your players Hockey Canada account in the Respect in Sport program. Not linking your players profile will result in a duplicate profile being created.
For more information on this program:
Help Desk Email: [email protected]