U9MD2, U12A,U14A players step up BIG!, News (Ajax Pickering Minor Hockey)

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Dec 23, 2022 | Leo Nat | 679 views
U9MD2, U12A,U14A players step up BIG!
To support giving back to the Ajax-Pickering community, this year the U9 MD2, U12A, and U14A teams supported a Backpacks for Mental Health initiative for the Lakeridge Health Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation. 

The players teamed up to assemble 24 backpacks with a range of items, including clothes, snacks, distraction item, toiletries and messages of support, for those in the hospital over the holiday season.  The mental health staff will secretly deliver these backpacks to all the bedside tables of those admitted to hospital during the night of December 24th. Knowing that this group of patients are so often marginalized within society, the mental health team want them to thrive in the community as much as possible once they leave the Lakeridge Health Ajax Pickering hospital.  The backpacks were delivered to the foundation on December 20th, and the staff were elated to see the generosity and thought that the teams had put in to assembling these backpacks. We are so proud of all the efforts of these teams, and the fact that they rallied together to make a big difference in their community this holiday season.   A big thank you to all the U9 MD2, U12A, and U14A players!  