APR RALLIES FOR A RAIDER, News (Ajax Pickering Minor Hockey)

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Jan 15, 2025 | APRadmin | 851 views
The AP Raiders community is no stranger to coming together when it matters most, and this community and our players have come together in full force for one another. Offering support, love and kindness - our hockey players and their families are consistently stepping up for each other.

Ajax Pickering Raiders community members have come together to support one of our own Raiders. Just recently, one of our Raiders families received shocking news – their son and U16A AP Raiders player, Bobby Montgomery — son of Justin and Katie, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was scheduled to undergo surgery at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.

Bobby’s surgery went well and the APMHA received word that he is on the road to recovery.


To show their support for Bobby and his family, the two APMHA U16BB teams came together on Sunday January 12th and before the game, both teams gathered at center ice and raised their sticks in a 17 second salute to honor Bobby, whose strength and determination have inspired us all.


The APMHA wanted to show their support and joined in the effort to raise funds to support the family; the association, alongside the U16BB teams, were able to give Bobby and his family a donation to assist with the travel back and forth to Sick Kids Hospital and with Bobby's recovery. Head Coach Justin Montgomery, who has given countless hours of coaching and dedication to youth hockey in our community, was able to attend the ceremony to accept the donation on behalf of the family.


Bobby's difficult journey began when he was diagnosed with a concussion in October 2024; with persisting symptoms and no sign of relief, Bobby and his parents Justin and Katie, fought for answers. Discovering the unimaginable, the family would like to strongly remind our APR players and families to take action if you suspect there is more to your players symptoms after an injury – do not stop at the first diagnosis and be persistent in your efforts to make sure your player is diagnosed and treated.

The Montgomery Family would like to extend their gratitude to everyone for their support, it has helped them work through this very difficult time and has meant everything to them.

It is moments like this that highlight the incredible passion and unity of our hockey community, and the Raiders community is constantly showing that we are always stronger together; this was truly a hockey family coming together and the APMHA could not be prouder of our players, coaches and families. 
